Home Services Researches Ore processing
Ore physical and mechanical characteristics study:
- Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS - Mpa);
- Conventional test on autogenous and semiautogenous grinding, SAG Design Test;
- SAG Variability Test (SVT);
- Bond Variability Test (BVT);
- JK Drop Weight Test (DWT, SMC);
- Bond Crushing Work Index Test (CWi);
- Bond Rod Mill Work Index Test (RWi);
- Bond Ball Mill Work Index Test (BWi);
- Bond Abrasion index (Ai);
- Point Load test (PLT);
- Ultrafine grinding tests in Netzsch-lsaMill, FLS-Deswik (laboratory and pilot plant installations);
- Riot tests and development of flowsheets with High Pressure Grinding Rolls (Köppern pilot HPGR);
- Calculations and modeling of crushing and grinding circuits using JKSimMet software package.
The testing results are designated for ore preparation circuits development for processing plants under construction (process design criteria, project design feasibility study) and optimization of crushing and grinding equipment in operating plants. AIl indices are used by leading manufacturing plants and engineering companies as input data for equipment sizing and selection
TOMS Institute is included in the international SAG Design Consulting Group and performs SAG Design Tests in the CIS and other countries.