field development
since 1993


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List of projects in Kamchatka

Start of
25 September, 2015
1st t of gold was obtained on
1 February, 2016
Work places: 1 200
Productivity of the plant: 600 t. of ore
per year
Productivity of the plant:
4 t. of gold per year
Productivity of the plant:
10 t. of siver per year

Provision of resources till
2030with its further exploration
High quality of
explored reserves
8.5g of gold
per ton of ore

Ametistovoye deposit 

Location  - 7 km east of Talovskoye lake 

Mineral resources - Ore gold, silver

Gold recovery plant at Ametistovoye deposit

Exploration degree in accordance with the classification of the Russian Federation:

  • С1 category: appr. 2 mln. tons of ore, appr. 40 тons of gold, appr. 92 tons of silver;
  • С2 category: appr. 4.4 mln. tons of ore, appr. 62 тons of gold, appr. 150 tons of silver;
  • С1+С2 category: 6,4 mln. tons of ore, 102 тons of gold, 242 tons of silver.

Minerals content in ore and their economic value:

  • Gold and silver ratio comprises 1:3, it varies due to ore productivity: low-grade ore -1:6, high-grade ore- 1:1 - 2:1;
  • Average gold content  15 g./t, silver 36 g./t;
  • Generally ores contain pyrite, galenite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, their content increases with depth up to 20-30%;
  • Placer gold is located mainly in quartz in the form of very thin dust-like/0.001-0.01mm/ joints with acanthite. Its fineness ranges from 200 to 680, generally from 550-600/;
  • There are impurity elements in gold, %: stibium – 0.008, arsenic – 0.002; tin- 0.0008; copper- 0.0006; manganese – 0.0001;
  • Besides main mineral components, some elements have high concentrations: plumbum- 0.5%, zinc - 0, 7%,selenium – 33 g./t.

Start-up and commissioning works at gold recovery plant