List of projects in Kamchatka
Start of
25 September, 2015
25 September, 2015
1st t of gold was obtained on
1 February, 2016
1 February, 2016
Work places: 1 200
Productivity of the plant: 600 t. of ore
per year
per year
Productivity of the plant:
4 t. of gold per year
4 t. of gold per year
Productivity of the plant:
10 t. of siver per year
10 t. of siver per year
Provision of resources till
2030with its further exploration
High quality of
explored reserves
explored reserves
8.5g of gold
per ton of ore
per ton of ore
Ametistovoye deposit
Location - 7 km east of Talovskoye lake
Mineral resources - Ore gold, silver
Exploration degree in accordance with the classification of the Russian Federation:
- С1 category: appr. 2 mln. tons of ore, appr. 40 тons of gold, appr. 92 tons of silver;
- С2 category: appr. 4.4 mln. tons of ore, appr. 62 тons of gold, appr. 150 tons of silver;
- С1+С2 category: 6,4 mln. tons of ore, 102 тons of gold, 242 tons of silver.
Minerals content in ore and their economic value:
- Gold and silver ratio comprises 1:3, it varies due to ore productivity: low-grade ore -1:6, high-grade ore- 1:1 - 2:1;
- Average gold content 15 g./t, silver 36 g./t;
- Generally ores contain pyrite, galenite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, their content increases with depth up to 20-30%;
- Placer gold is located mainly in quartz in the form of very thin dust-like/0.001-0.01mm/ joints with acanthite. Its fineness ranges from 200 to 680, generally from 550-600/;
- There are impurity elements in gold, %: stibium – 0.008, arsenic – 0.002; tin- 0.0008; copper- 0.0006; manganese – 0.0001;
- Besides main mineral components, some elements have high concentrations: plumbum- 0.5%, zinc - 0, 7%,selenium – 33 g./t.